jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Set up new device with very long Google password

My Google Account password is hundreds of characters long. It's intractable to type. That's normally OK, because I use a password manager, but I recently did a factory reset on a 2012 Nexus 7. Tap & Go from my Nexus 4 phone copies all accounts, but asks for my Google password and I can't figure out a sane way to get my password to the device. Here's what I've tried:

  1. I actually tried typing it in, once. It took about 15 minutes and I got something wrong.

  2. I tried creating an App Password. The Nexus 7 said it was incorrect. I tried this several times, and I'm sure I didn't get the app password wrong, so I can only figure that app passwords can't be used to sign into new devices (?).

I really don't want to change my Google password to something insecure just to get past this step. It shouldn't be necessary. At this point in setup it's too early to install a password manager, and even if I skip sign in now, I can't really install a password manager without access to the Play Store, right?

Is there a way to get my password into this prompt without arduously typing hundreds of complex characters onto a tiny default keyboard? Perhaps a way I can get the password from the Nexus 4 using NFC or any other protocol, or trick the 7 into treating a device plugged into the USB port as a keyboard?

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